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  • Writer's pictureTihler Franey

Tiffany Chapman is my #WCW

SO I am a few minutes late....but that should come as no suprise.

Have you ever meet someone and just felt like they had it all together? Someone who is always on time, who’s hair is always done, who can walk in heels and is organized….Well I am not that girl! However I do know “that” girl! She is ambitious, and egger to grow always! She inspires me not to learn how to walk in heels, but to always strive for more. To push myself…and to be a little maybe a “tad” more organized. I’d like to share my #WCW with you today her name is Tiffany Chapman! You might know her, maybe you’ve seen her or just maybe you bought a house from her?

“I’m a 6th generation Osceola County native, the wife of a cattle rancher and blueberry farmer, a mom to a spunky (almost) 6 year old girl, and full time Realtor. I’m a graduate of Southland Christian School, Valencia College, and the National Speaker’s Association’s Speaker’s Academy. I love to serve where God leads me, which has enabled me to serve a few pretty amazing organizations. In 2010 I served as the Chairman for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Central Florida Chapter. I spoke to schools and once, I spoke at a night club (that was slightly intimidating) about mental health, a subject that is uncomfortable for most, but needs to be talked about more. From 2016-2019 I served as the Chair of the Miss Silver Spurs Pageant. I love helping the contestants challenge themselves, overcome their fears, and develop skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. It’s a great feeling. I also help in the children’s ministry at my church, Heartcry Chapel. I have an awesome husband, Gibbs, who helps keep me grounded in the midst of my busy and sometimes very hectic schedule. Your support team is everything, and between he and both of our families, we make it work. I’m so thankful for that.”

Tiffany is a pretty impressive woman, she became licensed in real estate in 2013. When I asked her how she got started she shared this little story with me “It’s funny. When I was in the 8th grade I wanted so badly to have my parents buy fixer-uppers so and I (yeah-my 8th grade self) fix them up and sell them for a profit. I’ve always admired beautiful homes. I was the kid at Disney that while everyone was looking for the next ride, I was drooling over all of the architecture. I’ve just always been that way. But life pulls you in different directions, though now I see that it all was preparing me for a career in real estate. We bought an investment property during the recession and my passion for real estate came alive again, but it wasn’t until I was with my then Realtor shopping for a second property that I thought I should go through real estate school. She convinced me to enroll before I had my daughter (the classes are intense). I only wanted to in order to learn more about the field for my own use and actually had no intentions of actually “selling” real estate. It wasn’t until I was in the class that I began to think that maybe this is for me. Of course, it didn’t take long, and I was hooked.”

What’s one of your favorite things about the industry that you are in?
"This industry is very challenging and it requires your full attention. Real estate is ever-changing, and it doesn’t sleep. It requires you to constantly be learning and growing, and I love that. No one transaction, and no one client, is the same. You have to learn to adapt every time and each transaction poses new obstacles or twists that the previous didn’t. I love that I have to be on my toes. I also love helping people through what can be a very stressful process. It’s humbling when someone trusts you with what could very well be the biggest financial transaction of their lives. That drives me even more to make sure that I’m giving my all for each and every client and delivering the level of professionalism and service that they deserve. "

I love this because it’s so important to love what you do! If you don’t it takes so much joy away from your life! I am a firm believer in finding a career that fits you! I’d say this fits Tiffany perfectly!

Tiffany told me a quote she lived by… “Do your best and leave the rest”

I needed to hear this…so often in our career, parenting, and life we don’t stop until it’s perfect but I have recently learned sometimes perfect is your personal best!

She shared the scripture “Joshua 1:9- Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. Don’t be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” I also needed to read this…owning or running a business can be draining…work in general is draining from time to time…and life is to. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the world around us and forget how easy it can be when we just give it to god! One thing I admire about Tiffany is I see Christ in her almost every time I am around her! She reminds me he’s here with me, not just when I need him but always. She pray’s for you when you ask and pray's harder when don’t ask! It is SO good to have friends like this in your corner, and I am extra blessed for this!

Tiffany is one of the most self-motivated people I know! When I asked her what kept her going she shared this…

“I’m very goal-oriented by nature and strive to be the best at whatever I set my mind to, but my “why” is my family and blessing others with what God has blessed me with. In fact, most probably don’t know it, but my business logo has a special meaning. It’s my initials with a laurel wreath around them. The laurel wreath signifies honor and victory, but it’s also significant to me because my daughter’s name is Laurel. So even when I’m working, I’m reminded of why I’m pushing myself. God has blessed my career greatly and I in turn, want to be a blessing to others. “

How beautiful is that…I love how detail oriented Tiffany is, and how much she cherishes both her family, and walk with Christ! I love how that is the center of everything in her life! I am so blessed to have a friend like Tiffany! A friend who supports my business, challenges me, pushes me and believes in me even when I doubt myself! I am proud of this goal crushing GIRL BOSS! I am proud to say that Tiffany not only motivates me to create new goals for myself, and achieve them, pushes me to be the best version of me I can be, to show up on time…(sometimes I can’t make a habit of that or you all will expect to much) but she is my WOMAN CRUSH WEDNESDAY!

If you liked what you read do three things 1 - Like it 2 - Like my page Tihler Shay Photography (Tiffanys Page too please) 3 - Share it for a friend to read. When women empower and support other women! We are unstoppable!

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