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  • Writer's pictureTihler Franey

I’m Tihler Shay

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

My name is Tihler Shay Franey, I am a young photographer and excited to have grown my little hobby into a successful business. Looking back I never thought I would be where I am now. I am a mom to my favorite little muse. His name is Easton. While he keeps me tired he keeps life fun. I am a wife to a man who makes all my prop dreams come true. If I can “pin it” he can build it. He keeps me grounded and reminds me to slow down sometimes, and I need that. I am as I’m sure you’ve heard…or maybe told me “The busiest person ever”. While funny it’s kind of true. But that’s just me. I am blessed with an amazing family and friends and their support through the years have really built this little dream with me.

I have never formally come on my page and said “hey this is me”. SO here I AM! This is about how I got here….but really it’s about where I am going. Since I can remember I have loved the arts. Not one specific art but all of them. It didn’t matter if I was painting, performing, or just being captivated by watching others. I loved it. I forced my nieces and kids I babysat to learn dances that I choreographed and then perform them for their parents till probably middle school….and I have no shame! THEY LOVED IT, regardless of what they tell you. I lived for school projects and any opportunity to paint or hot glue something! But for my 13th birthday I asked for a digital camera….I got one and was obsessed with taking photos of everything! Often teased because I was always saying “Take a photo with me”. I never really thought much of it. I do however remember making my nieces pose often for photos, that make me giggle now. But looking back, becoming a photographer was never on my list of to-do’s. I had the same dream from the time I was about 15. I wanted to be a volunteer. I wanted to join the Peace Corps. The first time I volunteered for a big event was probably 5th grade. I raised the most money in our town for the Relay For Life. At 11 I didn't really understand what I was doing. But I remember going on the announcements and how good it made me feel. At that point I was hooked. I can’t tell you the hours I spent in middle school and in high school working in the concession stand, coaching cheer, playing challenger baseball, participating in walks, teaching dance, joining every club imaginable from FCCLA, Best-Buddies, Interact, Student Government, FCA, and those are just the ones I can think of. I remember feeling like I had found my calling. I prayed often and I believed God wanted me to serve. I graduated with the most community services hours in my school. I knew I was going to mission. I researched and prayed more. I signed up to be an official member of the Peace Corps. But I never left….fast forward three years and God had a new plan for me. Through this entire journey of volunteering, high school and life, I had always taken photos. People had been asking me since I was 15 and I was doing it. Now at 15…..I clearly wasn’t that good, but I always loved it. The art in it. I loved being able to capture, and deliver special moments for people. Well I was 20 and moving out and needed a big girl J-O-B. I landed a big girl job at a photography studio. I thought I was killing time. But what I was really doing was growing an intrust, and developing a new passion. I feel in love with the complex, growing, free world of photography. Then God gave me a gift. At this point I was 22, married and trying to get it together and along came Easton Ray. I never left on my mission, things weren’t as planned. But they were raw and thats life. But I learned a few things along the ride. That is this….you may love something but it may not be your calling. You may want something but it may not be for you. The saying “It’s all in Gods timing” is so true. Sometimes the thing you are supposed to love and do is right in front of your face. See I had always loved photos, looking at them, being in them, printing them, but mostly taking them! But I didn’t know why…now I do. I have an eye and that is important. Anyone can take a good photo its not rocket science but what you do to create that photo. How you collaborate and bring a vision to life is the science.

I still volunteer, I love it! I still give and give and give. I always will. But through photography I have gotten to give, serve, and deliver in more ways then I could have ever imagined. I’ve gotten to volunteer myself and serves all at once, and that is the real dream!

It’s crazy to think that I remember getting my first professional camera and upgrading from my little point and shoot. Never did I think I would be capturing the most important moments of my clients lives. Let alone their weddings. But here I am constantly growing and trusting in my passion.


I am excited to announce my first photo journal. Through the next 1️⃣0️⃣ Wednesdays I will be highlighting different women in our community. Women who have inspired me, encouraged me or who I believe have strong work ethic! These women are all different, all strong and all bring a little extra something to our town and my life. I can’t wait to share with you their journeys to success. Make sure to stay tuned for my first….#WCW #WomenCrushingOnWomen

Thank you so much to one of my talented colleagues and artist Lilly Yablonsky

Also Logan Baker for hair and makeup.

If you liked what you read please share. I love all my followers and their support.

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